NWG Breeding Program

Innovative, Data Driven Commercial Scale Breeding Program

NWG Breeding Plots

Market Driven

NWG sees hemp markets as a golden opportunity for farms, processors, and ag markets in general in North America. With that in mind, commercial breeding must be a market-driven process, and New West Genetics began with the end in mind. In the early years of the US hemp market, that meant Food (grain), Feed, Sustainable Fuel, and Fiber traits and targets.
We aim to create entirely novel, trait-enhanced seed to optimize hemp for its principal market applications in North America. Stable, high-performing genetics are essential to keep the industry competitive within various regions and next to traditional ag product solutions. We enable competitive, high yielding alternatives to conventional food, feed, fuel, and fiber crops.
Industrial Hemp Products and By Products


We take our mission of data-based discovery seriously. Our research and development involves a highly selective process; average selections in the early breeding pipeline are less than 1% of what is grown. Breeding for multiple traits means we make short term sacrifices to create long term benefits: stable, uniform, high-value seed. This selection and induced variation process is ongoing as we develop a wider and more varied portfolio to meet market needs.


Compliance with laws ensures a reduced risk product for consumers. New West Genetics does not view compliance as a gray area. We do not release seed or product unless we have validated over multiple seasons that the THC levels are compliant with federal and state law, well below the maximum limit of 0.3% THC.

New West Genetics creates compliant hemp varieties bred to optimize mechanical harvestability, high yields, and end market traits. To validate the performance of our seed, and to investigate where certain genetics perform best, we regularly enter trials across the us and other countries.

Hemp Genetics Analytics


  1. University Trial Data
  2. Seed Certification
  3. State Department of Ag THC Trials and Validation
  4. Patent Portfolio and PVP (Plant  Variety  Protection)


NWG Conducts variety research and development over multiple plots and regions year over year. The results of this research are improved adaptation, and refined traits with high market value.

We are excited to offer stable hemp genetics that achieve top yields in grain and fiber. Find out more about our current commercial varieties and hybrids.

Available Varieties

We develop genetic traits to provide strategic advantage for the hemp industry and for hemp farming across regions. Read on to learn about the exciting traits in our pipeline.

New West Genetics' hemp plot trial in Colorado in 2022

NWG ABOUND® – Launch in 2021

I-40 to I-90 adapted high yielding grain/biomass family of varieties. See Available Varieties

NWG AMPLIFY® Hybrid Trait – Launch in 2023

US adapted hybrid genetics that increases crop yields 2x. Learn more

AMPLIFY™ North – single purpose grain production

Farmers which to make a single pass at harvest will appreciate this line – a shorter, early flowering hybrid with double grain yields. AMPLIFY North pilot launch in 2025!


High bast yielding, uniform, single-purpose fiber varieties. Regional adaptation and THC compliance applied to premium fiber genetics.

Enhanced Nutrition Profiles

Modified composition of lipids and proteins applied to our premium AMPLIFY hybrid trait to offer market driven nutrition skews.


Simplifying the way we look at compliance – reduce risk at the genetic level.

THCØ is a trait with a genetically controlled THC pathway.

Herbicide Tolerance

Weeds, particularly palmer amaranth, are threatening the US food supply. In areas hard hit by this invasive weed, herbicide tolerance is the number one trait requested by farmers. While good management methods can control weeds, some regions with greater weed pressure need this risk mitigation. NWG has refined lines that can withstand on-label herbicide application. Trait launch in 2027.

AMPLIFY North Strip TrialNWG Hemp Breeding Plot
Uniform hemp stand