NWG-ELITE® Single Purpose Family
Is a family of dioecious, open-pollinated hemp varieties that are genetically stable for large-scale hemp grain. NWG 331 was the first US-bred hemp variety to pass a Department of Agriculture THC trial. Our newest NWG-ELITE variety, NWG 100, is sure to impress.

NWG 100
Introducing our newest NWG-ELITE open-pollinated variety, NWG 100. This new variety will serve industrial hemp farmers looking to produce hemp primarily for grain. Because NWG 100 is shorter and earlier maturing, it achieves high grain yields and extraordinary harvestability (e.g. ease of cutting and threshing).
Photo above shows a seed production field. NWG Agronomists recommend drilling hemp seed on 7in centers for more efficient production.

NWG 331
Certified in 2019 and launched commercially in 2020, NWG 331 is part of our NWG-ELITE family of hemp seed varieties bred for high stalk and grain yields. NWG 331 is unique inits ability to produce high stalk yields while maintaining an earlier maturity date to mitigate the risk of early fall frosts. It was highlighted by a University of Kentucky study for its high economic returns to growers due to good grain and stalk yields.
This variety is not currently in production contact us to inquire about licensing opportunities.
Standard NWG-ELITE traits:
- Flowering time: ~53 days after planting.
- Stand Height: 5.0-6.0′, ideal for wheat or corn harvest tools.
- Certification: Certified Seed
- Contact us for variety COA’s and Certificates.
New West Genetics creates compliant hemp varieties bred to optimize mechanical harvestability, high yields, and end market traits. To validate the performance of our seed, and to investigate where certain genetics perform best, we regularly enter trials across the US and other countries. See our most recent University Trial performance. New West Genetics’ grain and fiber varieties are certified varieties. Read more about AOSCA certification here.