NWG 2463

Top-yielding dual-purpose variety
Certified in 2020 with a commercial launch in 2022, NWG 2463 is the most dynamic in our dual-purpose ABOUND family.
NWG 2463 demonstrated consistently high grain and stalk yields in the 2021 NWG Field Trials and had the highest grain yield of all entries in the 2021 University of Illinois Hemp Trials.
Stalk (fiber & hurd)
Flower (Cannabinoids)
More grain yield than other NWG varieties.
Deeper roots and more carbon sequestration.
Production Photos
Trait Averages
All specs listed are based on data from 7.5″ row spacing.
Yields stated are estimated based on the best and most current data available – Actual yields will vary depending on Grower practices.
*Stalk yield measured after grain head is harvested.
Grain Yield
1600-2000 lbs/ac
Stalk yield*
4500-5500 lbs/ac
6.0-10.0 ft
Day to flower
50-60 days after planting
Day to maturity
106-110 days after planting
THC Compliance

Plant Performance Zones
Plant height, stalk biomass increases with higher latitude and soil fertility.
NWG 2463 Zones

At lower latitudes NWG 2463 is a short grain only variety, while at northern latitudes it is a tall dual-purpose grain and fiber variety.