University Trial Results and Data for NWG varieties.

Percent of trial mean or genotype rank is a better way to look at this data because there is a lot of environmental variability from location to location. Grain yield at a given location is only partly due to genetics. You could plant the best variety in a parking lot, and it will yield zero. What is more important than the actual yield number is how a variety performed relative to the other varieties in a trial. It gives something relevant to measure variety performance against.


Colorado State University Variety Trials (request info – not yet published)

Michigan State University 2022 Grain & Fiber Hemp Variety Trials

Virginia Tech Variety Trials (request info – not yet published)


Michigan State University 2021 Grain & Fiber Hemp Variety Trials

University of Kentucky 2021 Variety Trials (not yet published)


Cornell University 2020 Hemp Grain & Fiber Trial

University of Kentucky 2020 Variety Trials (not yet published)

University of Wisconsin Madison 2019-2020 Industrial Hemp Variety Trial (request info – not yet public)


Cornell University 2019 Hemp Grain & Fiber Trial

University of Kentucky 2019 Variety Trials (not yet published)