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Midwest Hemp Technology Brings More Processing Power to Kansas

By |2023-04-06T23:55:53-06:00December 7th, 2022|Categories: news|

Midwest Hemp Technology Brings More Processing Power to Kansas Grateful for the team at New West Genetics! We're witnessing high performance results from NWG ABOUND seed, it is bred in the Midwest to match the Kansas growing environment. Even in extreme drought conditions, dryland hemp performed well this year. We've now seen two seasons of success with ABOUND varieties and plan to continue building our growing and processing plans around NWG seeds. -Sarah Stephens, Midwest Hemp Technologies

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OSU GHIC’s National Hemp Industry Research Needs Workshop

By |2023-04-28T04:26:19-06:00November 15th, 2022|Categories: speaking engagements|

Oregon State University’s Global Hemp Innovation Center, National Hemp Industry Research Needs Workshop: Hemp Genetics and Breeding Needs– Wendy Mosher Excerpt: "New West Genetics has the longest running U.S hemp breeding program; we create U.S adapted high-yielding certified hemp seed for various markets and our varieties are bred for scaled AG production systems and possess traits that improve ROI for farmers and Processors. You can see on the map where we've focused a lot of our efforts since 2014 our genetics have been developed trialed and sold across 26 States and four countries. The cornerstones of our program really are these two gentlemen highlighted here Dr. Richard Fletcher and Dr John McKay. Dr. Rich Fletcher led Cargill's canola breeding program for the last half of his 18 years with Cargill. Canola is very applicable comparable to hemp because it has a nice lipid profile - hemps is better! He's been able to transfer a lot of knowledge to how we create and move our breeding program forward. Dr John McKay is a professor of plant genetics at Colorado State University. He is very well known for identifying the complex trait of drought. When we say complex trait we mean something that's controlled by multiple genes, and this is very applicable to hemp because cannabinoids are all complex traits. It isn’t simple but that's been very useful kind of thinking for experimental design and stabilization of cannabinoids. More recently in his career, for the last eight years he's been working [...]

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Accurate Hemp Data Requires Collaboration by Lancaster Farming

By |2023-04-07T23:46:54-06:00October 19th, 2022|Categories: news|

<a href="https://www.lancasterfarming.com/farming-news/hemp/accurate-hemp-data-requires-collaboration/article_c33292db-f323-5061-b49d-1343cfe198b8.html ">Accurate Hemp Data Requires Collaboration </a>

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Moving Hemp Forward with Mandi Kerr, Eric Singular, and Wendy Mosher

By |2023-04-28T04:25:45-06:00September 20th, 2022|Categories: speaking engagements|

Moving Hemp Forward with Mandi Kerr, Eric Singular, and Wendy Mosher NWG CEO, Wendy Mosher, and International Hemp’s Eric Singular talk about the Value The Seed initiative with Mandi Kerr on Moving Hemp Forward with GHA. They discuss the history of Certified seed, what Certified seed means for farmers, and why this initiative benefits producers and regulators. The Value the Seed Initiative supports a strong foundation for the growth of the US hemp industry.  

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Minnesota Farm Fest

By |2023-05-05T22:32:52-06:00August 3rd, 2022|Categories: blog, speaking engagements|

This week NWG CSO, John McKay visits the great state of Minnesota! He is talking with prospective hemp farmers and demonstrating our varieties at Minnesota Farm Fest. Minnesota Farmfest strives to bring together the best in agribusiness from Minnesota and around the country. This endeavor provides one place for farmers to network, experience and learn to grow their farming operations. The event takes place across 50 acres of land to showcase products, services and technologies from over 500 exhibitors and vendors. Through careful planning and organization, they provide live product demonstrations, host smart and insightful educational sessions and organize fun family activities to not only help farmers grow their family businesses but also to celebrate farming and the rural lifestyle. We are excited to join Minnesota Hemp Growers Co-op at this event and talk about hemp production opportunities in Minnesota. Tomorrow John heads on up to an NWG breeding site at University of Minnesota and a visit the Minnesota Hemp Growers Co-op's NWG 4000 crop. Its a BUSY but rewarding time in the season visiting fields of our genetics across the US. John McKay promotes NWG hemp genetics at Minnesota Farmfest Minnesota Farmfest Hemp Plot - Planted in July

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