How is Hybrid Hemp Seed Produced at Scale?

By |2024-05-23T16:30:41-06:00May 23rd, 2024|Categories: |

As discussed, hybrid hemp is the F1 (first generation) seed harvested from a cross between two genetically distinct varieties. The key to successfully commercializing hybrids is to develop a method to scale seed production. A critical element of high-quality hybrid seed is using inbred parent lines in these crosses. Several different breeding approaches are used to create inbred lines and will be discussed in a future blog focused on how hemp hybrids and varieties are bred and selected. Scaled hybrid seed production has been accomplished using several approaches in other crops. Corn (maize), for instance, uses a method where tassels (the source of pollen on a corn plant) are removed from the variety being used as the female parent in the cross. This leaves only the pollen from the intended male parent available to sire seed on the female plants. In contrast to the mechanical removal of pollen anatomy used in corn, crops such as canola and sunflower have developed genetic systems to remove pollen-bearing tissues (e.g. cytoplasmic male sterility). The planting design for most hybrid crop production consists of alternating bays of male and female genotypes. Typically, the male is planted at a lower ratio than the female and at a rate that ensures adequate pollen availability while still maximizing the number of female plants. The goal is always to maximize hybrid seed yield and quality. The ratio of male: female in the field is species-dependent but is typically around 1:4. Thus far, hybrid hemp and cannabis have not followed [...]

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What are the Benefits of Hybrid Hemp?

By |2024-03-13T10:01:22-06:00March 5th, 2024|Categories: |

A well-bred hemp hybrid will demonstrate higher tolerance to biotic (e.g. pests, diseases, etc.) and abiotic stresses (e.g. drought, heat, etc.) in addition to higher nutrient-use efficiency , which translates to overall higher yields and yield stability. It also improves the sustainability of production through a reduction in the use of pesticides and other inputs. Developing successful hybrid hemp genetics requires the development and selection of genetically distinct parents  for hybridization to ensure the desired traits are inherited by the offspring.

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What is Hybrid Hemp?

By |2024-03-13T10:00:51-06:00March 5th, 2024|Categories: |

Hybrid hemp refers to the F1 (first generation) seed harvested from a cross between two genetically distinct varieties.  This produces an effect known as heterosis, where the F1 generation outperforms either of its parents for desirable traits such as grain and/or fiber yield, early season vigor, tolerance to environmental stresses, and other agronomic traits.

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What is a variety?

By |2023-10-10T12:57:57-06:00October 10th, 2023|Categories: |

Fun fact! The term has two applications – the botanical term variety and the legal term variety. The botanical term variety is essentially a taxonomic label – it refers to the rank in the botanical hierarchy – a variety occupies the space below sub-species but above sub-variety.   As a legal term, variety means following the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) Convention. For plant breeders’ rights to be granted, the new variety must meet four criteria under the rules established by UPOV. The new plant must be novel, meaning it must not have been previously marketed in the country where rights are applied. The new plant must be distinct from other available varieties. The plants must display homogeneity (uniformity of the stand). The trait or traits unique to the new variety must be stable to keep the plant true to type after repeated propagation cycles.

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Is your seed THC compliant?

By |2024-05-23T16:31:48-06:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: |

NWG takes compliance with regulations seriously. Thus, we stabilize and lower the THC content of our genetics well below the federal mandate of 0.3%. In order to accomplish this, we investigated the THC pathway to enable genomic control of the trait. We are proud to say we have done so and can now use genetic markers to easily select against the pathway in our early breeding.

How do you measure CBD content?

By |2023-10-31T13:57:23-06:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: |

Flower samples are prepared and submitted POST THRESH, which means the material we test is dried and mechanically threshed, not flower that has been trimmed and gingerly handled. We submit at least ten samples of post-threshed flower each season and select one that is most representative of the average content. Average content post-thresh is a critical factor for large-scale production.  

Cannabinoids can never be stable because they will vary depending on environment, right?

By |2023-10-31T13:53:14-06:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: |

Environment indeed plays a role in many plant traits. With some traits, it plays a more significant role, and some a more minor role. Scientists call this “G by E” or genetics by environment. University research shows cannabinoid pathways are primarily controlled by genetics – over 80%, and the environment influences the remaining 20%. This is excellent news! Stable cannabinoid profiles across regions are absolutely attainable in well-bred varieties, as evidenced by many EU and Canadian varieties. The variation seen in the current market is likely due to poorly bred genetics.   Like any plant species, the best seed is well-bred to adapt to your region and climate. Though major traits will remain stable, variety performance will vary slightly within a region. Importantly, cannabinoid content should not have significant variances.

What should I look for when buying seed genetics?

By |2023-10-10T11:34:12-06:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: |

Well-packaged, clean seed with a label that conforms to federal law. Get to know the company. Outlandish claims like 100% feminization, 100% germination, and extremely high or low cannabinoid content should be validated by respectable 3rd party data. Proof of stability: Stability means the variety has performed consistently for several generations. Asking for current and parent seed data can help determine if the genetics are stable. Stability is essential for THC content. Well-bred seed should have compliant THC content across at least 2-3 generations. AOSCA certified seed: This is 3rd third-party validation that the seed has been grown according to AOSCA Standards to maintain genetic purity. Seed lots that complete the seed certification process qualify for the official “Blue” Certified seed tag. Seed that has been bred for your production methods and equipment. Seed that has demonstrated performance in your region or has been bred using data-based breeding. Understand the market the variety serves. Identify customers for your crop before you plant.

Does NWG only produce dioecious varieties?

By |2023-10-10T10:53:45-06:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: |

NWG’s first products to market are dioecious varieties in the ABOUND family. NWG has also released the first hemp hybrid in the form of the AMPLIFY™ trait. Hemp is ancestrally dioecious, meaning male and female flowers are found on separate plants. NWG has created a genetically skewed ratio of male: female from its ancestral 50:50, up to 100% female, in effect doubling hemp grain and flower production.

What does the term “dioecious” mean?

By |2023-10-10T10:46:09-06:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: |

A dioecious plant is one where the male and female reproductive systems occur on separate plants. While both plants produce flowers, one plant has male reproductive parts, and the other has female parts. This is unlike a monoecious plant, which has both male and female flowers on the same plant.

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