What about Genetic editing (GE) techniques?

By |2023-10-31T14:33:57-06:00April 24th, 2019|Categories: |

There are many editing targets of interest in cannabis, including some editing events involving other crops and vegetables. The regulatory path for GE crops is unclear, but it is costly. Many of the GE systems require a transformation system and suffer from the same methodological limitations of transgenics. Even GE systems, which do not require a transgenic delivery system, require a reliable method for generating plants from protoplasts, which is also not a reality today. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the freedom to operate with CRISPR-Cas and other editing methods is uncertain due to litigation around the foundational patents.

But I heard everyone, and their mother is making GMO hemp?

By |2023-10-31T14:08:12-06:00April 24th, 2019|Categories: |

There is no published, reproducible transformation system for getting transgenic events into Cannabis. Some have claimed to have successfully created transgenic Cannabis, but this has yet to be validated independently. More product manufacturers are seeking verification from the non-GMO Project, so the motivation to develop new, transgenic-based products is waning. This is particularly true given that the creation and deregulation of a transgenic event is, on average, a lengthy 13-year regulatory process with costs exceeding $100M. However, there is value in utilizing transgenic tools to validate gene function within the R&D setting.

Is NWG creating GMO hemp?

By |2023-10-31T14:00:37-06:00April 24th, 2019|Categories: |

No, NWG uses traditional plant breeding techniques to create varieties adapted to production in the United States. However, we are incorporating modern sequencing technology and statistical genetic methods to speed up development. This approach allows us to make more informed decisions, thus minimizing the time to market for improved varieties. Ultimately, all stakeholders in the supply chain benefit from higher-yielding hemp carrying value-added traits.

What is feminized seed and does NWG make feminized seed?

By |2023-10-10T10:42:20-06:00December 23rd, 2018|Categories: |

Feminized seed is just as it sounds, a seed lot that produces predominantly female plants through chemical induction. A higher proportion of female plants is desirable since females are the source of almost all the economically significant products, whether seed or flower.    Feminized seed is created by inducing female plants to become hermaphrodites by applying chemicals like silver thiosulfate (Lubell and Brand, 2018). Hermaphrodite plants have female flowers, which accept pollen to create seeds, and male flowers, which release pollen. The theory is that chemically induced pollen produced on a female plant contains the female sex chromosome (X chromosome) rather than the male (Y chromosome). Thus, the progeny seed created by pollination with a hermaphrodite will inherit an X chromosome from the pollen and an X chromosome from the ovum of the female flower. The resulting seeds will be primarily females, but there is not yet a method that consistently produces 100% females. This has implications for production using feminized seed (see the Agronomy section of our website). The most significant handicap of feminized seed is chemical feminization – it makes no further seed to multiply. Therefore, it must be reproduced season by season; it's not scalable. Chemical induction of feminized seed is most appropriate for horticultural, craft-style production of flower products.

Does NWG make autoflower genetics?

By |2023-10-10T10:05:59-06:00December 23rd, 2017|Categories: |

The term autoflower is a Cannabis-specific term defining genotypes insensitive to photoperiod (e.g., day length). Photoperiod-insensitive genetics do not require shortening day lengths to initiate flowering. It is common for “autoflower” advertisements to specify the number of days to flowering and maturity, some in as few as 60 days. However, this is a bit oversimplified as plants use several environmental cues to initiate flowering, including temperature, water availability, and the metabolic state of the plant. These factors can be controlled in indoor production so a crop's lifecycle can be precisely estimated, but this is obviously not the case under outdoor conditions. The term autoflower should generally refer to genotypes that can flower under increasing day lengths, a characteristic that NWG cultivars possess.

Why are certified seeds better?

By |2023-10-31T13:26:07-06:00January 14th, 2017|Categories: |

AOSCA seed certification provides growers with third-party verification that a seed is a genetically pure variety professionally produced to give the highest quality seed possible and will perform as labeled. States have a Seed Growers or Crop Improvement Association that collaborates with the state department of agriculture or the agriculture university to test and validate that THC is stable and below 0.3% and the seed is inspected and certified according to AOSCA standards. These are two separate processes. Just because a seed demonstrates THC compliance does NOT mean it is also certified seed, or vice versa. Be sure to look for both the 3rd party validation of THC and Certified Seed Tags. Currently, New West Genetics offers ABOUND®, a family of dioecious grain varieties certified and validated as having compliant, stable THC levels by multiple state Departments of Agriculture. See variety descriptions here.

What is certified seed?

By |2023-10-31T13:08:19-06:00January 14th, 2017|Categories: |

Certified seed has been grown according to AOSCA Standards to maintain genetic purity.  A seed certifying agency works closely with seed growers to help them follow AOSCA Standards throughout the production process.  AOSCA Standards apply to hemp and a wide range of field crops, turf grasses, fruits, vegetables, woody plants, forbs and vegetatively propagated species available for sale. Seed lots that complete the seed certification process qualify for the official “Blue” Certified seed tag, assuring the seed customer that the seed meets genetic and varietal purity standards.   Seed Certification is not a one-and-done process.  Every seed lot is individually produced according to AOSCA Standards and inspected to earn a Certified seed tag or label. Before planting each season, the seed grower applies to their local seed certifying agency to indicate they will plant and reproduce the pure seed of a recognized variety.  The agency inspects the field during the growing season to confirm that the plants are uniform and true to type for that variety, and the seed grower uses good management practices to ensure purity is maintained from planting to seed conditioning and packaging.

Can I buy seed from you?

By |2023-10-10T10:12:18-06:00January 14th, 2017|Categories: |

Yes! We currently sell multi-purpose grain-forward and fiber-forward varieties in the NWG ABOUND® family. Our genetics are specialty-bred for mechanical production and are best suited for large-scale production. Best for producers with farm equipment for row cropping: order here

Don’t plant varieties perform differently depending on where they are grown?

By |2023-10-10T12:02:31-06:00December 21st, 2016|Categories: |

Yes, it’s true! Source seed that has been bred in your region or your specific climate. Alternatively, look for seed bred at your latitude, as the latitudinal gradient is especially important in this species. Though major traits should remain stable, variety performance will vary slightly within a region, especially yield. Importantly, cannabinoid content will not have significant variances, as it is primarily controlled by genetics, not by environment. See FAQ below - What do we know about Cannabinoids? NWG demonstrates this consistently by producing ABOUND seed across regions and can provide third party testing from Departments of Ag.

What is the difference between a “variety” or “cultivar” and a “strain”?

By |2023-12-27T14:19:02-06:00December 21st, 2016|Categories: |

In botanical terms, all three are generally defined as a group of offspring descended from a common ancestor with common morphological and physiological characteristics. In cannabis, there is an unofficial distinction.   A cannabis strain can be defined as a group of plants created asexually through clonal propagation. This is the most common form of plant production in the cannabis industry. Clones, by definition, are nearly identical genetically except for random mutations during plant cell division in the development of the “mother plant” (the plant from which a population of clones is generated). Mutations are almost always deleterious. A mother plant creates a finite number of progeny, so the maintenance of a strain requires cloning from the progeny of the original mother. Mutations accumulate with each successive generation so that, eventually, clone quality (e.g., cannabinoid profile.) deteriorates to the point that the strain is abandoned. Some may refer to this mutational load as genetic drift, but this is a misnomer.   A cannabis variety (or cultivar) can be defined as a group of plants created sexually through seed propagation. The seeds of selected plants (those expressing the characteristic of interest) are used for planting the following generation. Mutations undoubtedly occur during sexual reproduction, but they only impact a single individual, which the breeder can remove from the population. As soon as an individual carrying a mutation is used as a mother plant, all derived progeny will inherit the mutation.    

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